Monday, March 10, 2008

Developmental Disability Month

Terri and I attended the Tinian celebration of the Developmental Disability Month held at Tachogna beach. Lots of children were there, and a raffle was held, and food served (of course). Lots of fun had by all.
They had a new game we had not seen before: a cross between paper/rocks/sissors and red rover. The 'loop' was: a bear eats the salmon, the salmon eats the bee, the bee stings the bear. The children lined up in two separate lines, with their backs to each other (after deciding as a group what they would be: the bear, the bee, or the salmon). At the count, both sides turn around and 'portray' their animal. Depending on which animal was chosen, one side would end up chasing the other side (unless they both ended up picking the same animal). It was very exciting to watch--and I am sure, to play

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