Sunday, March 23, 2008

The baptism of Lerry Marquez son of Bong & Irma

Terri and I attended a baptism today--Easter Sunday--at the local Catholic Church. The child being baptised is the son of one of Terri's co-workers: Irma Marquez. I had never attended a baptism at a Catholic Church before (I have only seen it in the movies). However, while a missionary in Altoona, PA, I was privileged to attended the ordination of several priests at the Cathedral there--it was one of the most stirring and impressive events I have ever seen.

Today, Father Mercado placed the parents and all of the god-parents (there were a lot of them--22?) under covenant relating to the raising and caring of little Lerry. Each pair of Godparents were given a candle that is to be used for prayers: when they pray for their god-child, they can light this candle that has been dedicated to the child. The candle, and I suppose all candles that are used in the Catholic Church, represent the light of Christ.

After the baptism, pictures were taken, and then everyone traveled to Kerrida's to eat and celebrate. I noticed that there were a lot more people at the dinner than there were at the service...

In the afternoon we had our own sacrament meeting with our little congregation of three (Ramon is in the Philippines visiting his family).

It is just another beautiful day on Tinian. And tomorrow, we go diving--for real!

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