Saturday, December 6, 2008

Short trip to Saipan

Terri and I had to make an emergency trip to Saipan this week. Terri was having some issues receiving permission to practice medicine on Tinian. The roadblock seemed to be located among the bureaucracy on Saipan, so, under the direction of the Clinic Director, she traveled to Saipan to see if she could help unravel the boondoggle.

We took a small plane to and from Saipan... on the way back we had the experience of flying with a brand-new pilot, who was still 'practicing' his craft (he did have a flight teacher sitting by his side). It was an interesting experience--especially the landing! Usually the pilot starts his descent well before the runway, so that he has the whole runway to land... this new pilot started his descent over the runway, leaving him half the runway to land... for a moment we wondered if we would run out of runway! However, everything was good, and he made a good landing, with room to spare!

Here is the island of Saipan as we prepared to land

Here is a picture of the west side of Saipan, where the beaches are, and most hotels.
With the combined help of the Clinic Director, the Tinian Mayor's office--including the Mayor himself-- and many others on Tinian; and many on Saipan, including the Secretary of Health, lawyers from the AG's office, and even the Governor himself, we think the problem has finally been resolved...

This is the northern-most point of Tinian

As mentioned in a previous post, the LoriLynn restaurant is renovating, changing from a bar to a full restaurant. It is supposed to be open in a few weeks. We will be interested to see how good their food is. Our favorite restaurant continues to be the Flemming--we have never had a bad meal there. We also like the Broadway at the Casino, but it is a buffet, and we only go there on special occasions.

The workers have torn down a wall to expand the eating area, and created a new wall to expand the kitchen area. I spoke to the owner of the restaurant who said they planned to be open 24 hrs, and would serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. They would also have a live band on the weekends... hmmm ... since we live in the back, I hope we like the music!

On my walk to the beach I noticed this metal house. It looks relatively new. The walls and roof are all made of corrugated metal. Lets hope the typhoons don't come...

This is a park near Kammer beach

Construction continues at the new park down Broadway from the Dynasty Casino

In front of the amphitheater they are building retaining walls of some kind. I assume they are building seating or something.

They have also begun painting the amphitheater-- it should look great when it is done!

A worker cleans the roof of the amphitheater

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