Sunday, April 13, 2008

Flower lady?

One of the homes I passed on my last walk had a very interesting array of flowers and flower containers. As I was taking pictures, I met a young man who lived there, who explained that his mother was wonderful at growing flowers, and often sold them to people--easy to imagine!

His name was Jon Arri0la (when I asked him how he spelled his last name, he just held out his arm and showed me his tattoo...).

I always admire people who can grow things, and many on the island have green thumbs!


snowroses said...

These are really pretty. The backyard, the houses and the type of grass are similar to those in certain parts of Malaysia, where I am. Where is that island you're at close to? Is it anywhere near Hawaii?

Anonymous said...

Tinian is in the western pacific and is north of Guam. We are south of Japan, east of the Philippines and closer to them than Hawaii.