Friday, September 28, 2007

The grass grows high on Tinian

For those that know me well, they know that I have a 'thing' about weed-wackers (I was once chased by a man with a weed-wacker in his hand while serving on a mission for my church!). So you can imagine my surprise to find that, in spite of the large amount of grass on Tinian, and how quickly it grows, there seems to be few, if any, lawn mowers here. On any given day you will find many laborers along the roads of Tinian cutting the grass...with weed-wackers! It is both a puzzle and a marvel. Today, for example, Terri and I stared in wonder at a hard working man cutting a very large field...with a weed-wacker. He was covered from head to toe--gloves, hat, long sleeve shirt and pants; even a bandana to completely cover and protect his face from the grass clippings flying around him. It was hot and humid, and we marveled that he was able to work in the sun for so long, waving his grass cutter back and forth, back and forth, cutting one small swath at a time as he slowly worked his way over this large field of long grass. It is just another unique picture of Tinian and its culture we have learned to enjoy.


Angelo Villagomez said...

They call them "bush cutters." To use a bush cutter is "bush cut."

You would say:

I have to bush cut the grass today.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Angelo. Now Kevan won't have to be frightened when he passes because it's a bush cutter and not a weed whacker!