Monday, September 10, 2007

Starting a routine : Kevan

It has been a slow, but relatively easy, transition into the Tinian lifestyle. We have been graciously welcomed and helped by the people of Tinian, which has made our move to Tinian much less stressfull. We lived in the Fleming Hotel until we could find a place to live, but quickly found that there were few homes available in town (there were a few more available up in the hills, but we had decided we wanted to stay in the village, and be able to walk rather than be forced to buy a car). Fortunately, an apartment came available at the Lorrilynn Hotel, where we will stay until a home becomes available.
We enjoy walking, and although the weather can be warm and muggy, it is good for the body and soul. There are plenty of little stores around to buy what we need-- each store is just a little bit different, and has different food and/or household items, so we will need to learn which store has the specific item we want.
They have a water company here that will deliver 5 gal jugs of water to your home, so water is not an issue, and the power here seems to be very good and predictable. We are always reading stories in the paper about Saipan and Rota having power outages and problems, but so far, there have been none on Tinian.
Terri started working today at the Clinic. All her government paperwork finally got processed and she was able to begin the work she loves: helping people to heal. And I was able to get back to what I love: research and writing. So Terri and I are finally starting a routine here on Tinian, which is always a comforting event. Kevan


G. Parker said...

What an amazing step in your lives! I'm jealous. This is exactly something my husband and I would love to do - only finding a way to support us would be the problem. I had never even heard about these islands! I'll be checking back to see how the winter months go for you...grin.

Harry Blalock said...

Hi Teri & Kevan,

Glad you guys are getting settled in and enjoying your beginnings in the islands. I remember what it was like when I got here 11 1/2 years ago and my fascination with everything. Hopefully we'll be able to meet you soon!

Marianas Eye said...

Welcome! I missed your first week, but it looks like things are going well for you.

I look forward to meeting you soon. Let me know if you're coming over to Saipan any time, and at the very least swing by the Eye Institute.
