Monday, February 2, 2009

Back to school

After a long weekend two boys wait patiently to go to school... I'm not sure how excited they were... what do you think?

A lone flower in a make-shift pot

This entire tree was full of flowers, and the ground was covered with blossoms

There is always something to remind you of the history of this island

and the casualties of war

The back of the Dynasty Hotel there are housing units for all of the workers, and two reminders of why Tinian is famous: fat man and little boy, copies of the first atomic bombs dropped during wartime.

Sometimes its hard to tell if it is a new ruin or an old one...

A forest of palms grows near the ruins of a home

On the end of a dead limb, new life grows

Just another day on a quiet island in the Pacific

The Tinian ferry speeds away towards Saipan to pick up more tourists. This was a busy weekend, and the Dynasty was full!

Monday, and the bush-cutters are back, hard at work fighting against the inevitable creep of the jungle into our civilized lives. Without their constant effort, we would wake up engulfed by mother nature.

Workers line up to pass concrete up the row and pour it into the new seating behind the amphitheater.

The finish work is being completed and looks great!

The large sump and lines for the drainage field have been installed, and ready to be back-filled

And the last small building has had its concrete roof poured. The Natibu Park is getting much closer to completion.

A lonely playground hidden in a quiet neighborhood

A gateway to nowhere awaits someone to go somewhere?

A young mother spends time with her newborn in the quiet morning light.

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