Thursday, July 19, 2007

Grateful to new friends

Where else could you move and have 5 new friends within hours of introducing yourself . . . long distance no less! Some of those whom we have so admired through their own blogs found our new blog within hours of our first posting and have welcomed us with open arms and local contacts. So thanks to Angelo Villagomez who is the heart and force behind Beautify CNMI and his blog, The Saipan Blog; Walt Goodridge, "The Passion Prophet," who wrote a wonderful book, Escape From America, which I read with great delight and his site,; Harry Blalock, radio station manager and talk-show host as well as candidate for Saipan's sexiest male with his blog, Saipan Diver; Representative Cinta Kaipat who actively embraces her constituents and actually puts forth physical labor and sweat for their benefit, and her blog My CNMI; and Dr. David Khorram, ophthalmologist, whom I am certain to work closely with over the next many years and his blog Marianas Eye.

If you wish to truly get to know the kindness and selflessness of the great people of CNMI, follow the links to the right and visit their blogs on your own. There is a vast wealth of information available through their dedication to their blogs.

I have much to write about our visit in May and hope to get to it prior to returning in September along with some of the 400 pictures we took while there! For now, Cinta, Debbie Fleming was the first person to meet us at the dock very early one morning as we took the ferry from Saipan to Tinian. When we arrived at the Fleming Hotel, we picked mangos and her kitchen made us mango pancakes! How could you ask for a warmer reception? We were well cared for at the Fleming by Debbie and her remarkable staff. We ate most of our meals in the Fleming Restaurant and were very well fed.

Again, thank you all for your best wishes and we hope to attend "Blogger Night" on Saipan to greet you all in person!


CNMI Blogger said...

Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad that you've met my friend Debbie and were well taken care of. I'll come for a visit when you get settled in Tinian and we'll have a good ol' fashion island-style bbq to welcome you. Or, we'll do that here on Saipan when you get settled.

Marianas Eye said...

We're all looking forward to your arrival. Your blog will be putting the modern Tinian (not the WWII Tinian) on the map!

My family is going on our 15th year here. The Mariana Islands are a great place to live.



Harry Blalock said...

Thanks for the mention in your blog, I'm looking forward to meeting you both when you get here. Anything I can ever do to help you out from the Saipan side, you only have to ask.