Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summertime on Tinian

A flame tree in full bloom

A struggling flame tree

Our banana grove that was damaged during a recent storm

Concrete goes in around one of the new homes

The work on the center strip along Broadway continues...

This part of Main street is supposed to be completely redone, with a new road, new drainage lines, new sidewalks, etc. First, it was last summer, then it was promised for sure in December, then recently it was promised to start last week... so far, nothing...

Another beautiful day in Tinian

School is out for the summer, so the kids are spending their time wisely--playing, of course!

(and the girl is beating the pants off the boys...!)

Caught in the act...of working to finish another home!

The 'desert style' home takes shape-- watch it wash away when rainy season comes!

The weather has changed...a little, here on Tinian. It is a little warmer during the day, and stays warm at night (we tend to use our AC a little more often). And there are new flowers and plants that have come into bloom this time of year.

The Flame Tree is perhaps the favorite flora on the islands, and blooms this time of year. The trees are blooming a little later this year, and some trees are not blooming much at all--I am not sure why.

Terri is on call this week and is working hard (she was up a lot last night taking calls from sick patients). And I have finally been able to get back to writing. Although, Terri and I will be leaving for Germany and Italy in a couple of weeks (a family reunion of sorts--Terri's brother lives and works in Italy).

We have be putting up our daughter Elizabeth's pictures in the clinic the past couple of days--so if anyone happens to visit the island, be sure to stop by the clinic--it is now an art gallery also!

Most people seem to be enjoying their tax rebates/give-aways that were being sent out lately. Everyone but the foreign workers (i.e., US citizens) get the rebates...

Construction continues...

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