Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nigh on Eventide

'Tis Sunday evening and the final week of separation for Kevan and me. I know that there are soldiers who read this blog and are separated from their loved ones for long periods of time. Not only do I salute you for your heroic and patriotic service, but I salute your families who are separated from you. I have lived with Kevan a long time - 32 years. A month has just about done me in.

The report is good I suppose. Most of the work at the house has been completed and we have renters for another year. And I survived. I did my own laundry, cooked for myself, paid a few bills, and still was able to get my work done as well.

I have learned, though, that is much easier to be part of a pair of yoked oxen rather than a single ox. I appreciate Kevan for all that he does for me and our children. He has wholeheartedly supported me in my return to school and my embarkation on this new career. Not only a new career - but a move to this paradise on the edge of the Pacific! I know that when we initially announced to our neighbors my return to school years ago, the response was always how wonderful Kevan was to support me in such an endeavor. Now, I must admit that I did take some offense at that reaction - after all, Kevan only had to accompany me on the move to school - I'm the one who had to do all the work. But in all fairness, I pulled him from a job that he loved and into one that was distinctly different with its own challenges. It was a lovely experience for the two of us. I had moved to support Kevan's job changes many times and I have to admit it was a fantastic feeling to have him do the same for me.

But all in all, Kevan's trip has reinforced my love for him and how much I enjoy being his friend. We have a lovely time together - a perfect match I suspect. I have 4 more days. Oh, they turned off the power on the island for 3 hours today, so he may just be coming back to a lack of power. Hope he's up for it!

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