Saturday, August 2, 2008

Terri's Education Continues

I received a phone call yesterday morning from Helen Ewing of AT Still University that I have been accepted into the Doctorate of Health Sciences program. I begin the next step in my education August 25, 2008. I am fortunate that the majority of this program can be done in my very remote location. As I will be working full time, I will work on my doctorate part time and will be complete in 2011. I am very, very excited about this new journey. I have found myself involved in many more areas than just treating patients, and I really felt I needed to pursue a bit more education to better enable me to adequately manage all my different hats.

Can't WAIT!!!!


Kim Griesemer said...

Gee, Terri, is there anything you CAN'T do? You are taking on such a load.

Congratulations on your citation from the government. You deserve every bit of the attention you're getting.


Anonymous said...

so what is it like to work for Ernie???

I met him, not a nice the papers...he should be in jail.